May 2nd, 2011
Oh man. I'm gonna learn lots of ASL in this, aren't I? Excited! :D
posted at 12:16am on May 2nd, 2011
THERE'S... THERE'S A BIT, haha. I don't know how much you'll learn necessarily, especially since I tend to translate a little loosely when she's signing. But yay! ASL love!
posted at 7:14am on May 2nd, 2011
Yay for ASL! I took 2 years of it in college... and unfortunately I don't remember much of it. I should go back and look at my old textbooks.
posted at 12:23am on May 2nd, 2011
Aw, man! Two years of classes; you probably know a lot more than me! That's awesome.
posted at 7:16am on May 2nd, 2011
Wow, that's ambitious. Sign Language in a webcomic? I really looking forward to following this one!
posted at 12:29am on May 2nd, 2011
YESSS I'm so excited for this comicccccc YES!!
posted at 1:35am on May 2nd, 2011
8D oh! I didn't know you were starting a new comic! *follows* X3
posted at 2:01am on May 2nd, 2011
I can't wait to see where this goes! *stupidly excited*
The first page looks great, especially the colors.
posted at 3:16am on May 2nd, 2011
I'm excited to get in on day one of this because I actually checked my twitter :P
I did an archive binge on TNH, but dropped it after a while. I did check in on it a few times, and I like your style, but I just had so many webcomics that I'm following and I sort of lost track of it a few times. Good luck, and I'm definitely going to keep up with this one.
posted at 3:24am on May 2nd, 2011
Oooooooooh! Nice art! I'm hooked!
posted at 3:44am on May 2nd, 2011
Well, I'm on this like butter on toast.
I love how Tareth's "Speech" bubbles are coming from her hands. Since she's using sign language, it makes a good deal more sense than having them coming from her head.
Thank god someone tried to teach me british sign language, when they thought I might have never talked. I'll pick this up well enough, and probably end up teaching it to my baby cousin.
posted at 4:16am on May 2nd, 2011
Trust me, Miss Shazz, my level of excitement is surpassed only slightly by yours. Excuse me while I bounce up and down, uttering such amazingly articulate statements as "Eeeeeeeeeee! :D".
(He's a genius!)
posted at 6:55am on May 2nd, 2011
Gah, had to use one of my native letters for the name of the world eh, and then inventing your own way to pronounce it. Now I'm gonna mispronounce the name of the world forever.
posted at 7:09am on May 2nd, 2011
Ahahaha, now I'm curious what language you get the letter from? I actually didn't invent that pronunciation; there's like, three different ways it's pronounced depending on what language it comes from, so I picked one from those. :3
And you can feel free to pronounce things however you like! It's not like I'll be checking. XD
posted at 7:21am on May 2nd, 2011
Hmm think it ate my reply :D
Anyways, I'm from Denmark, so the language would be Danish.
posted at 7:30am on May 2nd, 2011
I love Severian's hair! And the colors on this page are nice and warm. It really goes well with the colors on the website.
posted at 7:30am on May 2nd, 2011
The fact you have a character that speaks through ASL delights me to no end. Just wanted to say that.
posted at 9:26am on May 2nd, 2011
Yes..this comic is going to epic! :D
posted at 11:46am on May 2nd, 2011
I hope your excitement takes a long, long time to wear off. A creator's enthusiasm for a project is always wonderful to see, and it can be so infectious!
And you're one of the best artists for using sign language in a work. Something about your style communicates movement so well. This should be fun.
posted at 3:06pm on May 2nd, 2011
This looks...really good. I need to go back and catch up to As We Were, but I loved that as well. Bookmarking this.
I'm also looking forward to seeing how having a mute protagonist works out. I do a fair amount of writing and roleplaying, I've always wanted to try using a character that's either blind or mute...
posted at 6:31pm on May 2nd, 2011
There seems to be a problem with the RSS feed. I have been unsuccessful in subscribing to this comic through google reader. Also the RSS link at the top does not seem to do anything. I would love to follow this comic, but I do not believe that I will remember to check without the RSS feed prompting me to do so.
posted at 7:16pm on May 2nd, 2011
The ghosty buttons up there aren't malfunctioning, they're just not implemented yet. Since Flak and I (mostly Flak) built the site from scratch rather than using ComicPress or something, it didn't come with one built in -- RSS is the next thing we plan to work on, no worries. :3 But thanks for letting me know!
posted at 11:52pm on May 2nd, 2011
Awesome, thanks! In the meantime, be sure to Twitter about it.
posted at 1:52am on May 3rd, 2011
"Since Flak and I (mostly Flak)..."
Yay Flak!
posted at 9:13pm on May 6th, 2011
I can't wait to see how this comic goes - it is extremely exciting!
Also, I just wanted to share: if you are using ASL, the actual sign for crazy is the same movement, but with a "C" shaped hand. ^^ Just FYI. If you ever need any help figuring out how to incorporate signs or how the grammar or anything goes, feel free to hit me up with a note on DA or something - I'm at the tail end of my second semester of ASL, and getting into my third (which will basically be in depth grammar and stuff, this semester was story telling, mostly!). I would greatly enjoy helping you out if you ever needed any. =D
posted at 9:04pm on May 2nd, 2011
Ah, man, thanks for the offer! It is definitely a little intimidating, since - though I love it and have researched a fair bit -- I know many people know more about ASL than I do. I have already got a couple of friends I can ask when I need help, though. :3
One of the things that makes it tough is that sign language is like other languages -- it kinda varies from Deaf community to Deaf community. Some native signers are iffy about initialised signs like that, especially, since it's an influence from English.
End result is that some signs can be done a few different ways and both are "right" depending upon whom you ask -- I found a couple of resources that list this one, without the C-handshape, as an acceptable version as well.
posted at 12:02am on May 3rd, 2011
...upon further reflection the easy answer would have been "obvsly they are not speaking ASL for reals, this is not America" ...but for some reason I actually do want to try to get it right!
To some extent that's applicable, though. The "Deaf community" in the world of Runewriters developed very differently from the Deaf community in America, so some things WILL be different later in the story. :3
posted at 12:06am on May 3rd, 2011
Yes, and remember, the "correct" sign will be wrong for about half of Deaf people anyway. ASL is still very, very young as languages go, and many Deaf people have home sign and oralist influencing.
Basically? Don't sweat it, Shazz. You're doing fine.
Didn't notice the hand-speech-bubbles. Tres cute!
posted at 9:10am on August 15th, 2011
Aw, thanks! I appreciate the kind words. <3
posted at 2:57am on August 30th, 2011
I love the comic already and we are only on page 1... but then it does have my name in it!!!
love your work
posted at 3:35am on May 3rd, 2011
Been following TNH for awhile now. Super excited to hear that your starting another comic. Hopefully it doesn't get lost in the great forest of webcomic bookmarks.
JK would never forget about this not after the awesome first page. "I'm a genius."
posted at 11:49pm on May 3rd, 2011
Hey, I'm showing the comic as a broken link now. Something up?
posted at 11:28am on May 4th, 2011
Not that I know of. D: It's still working for me. If you're still having the issue -- what browser are you using?
posted at 12:28am on May 5th, 2011
Chrome. And it does seem to be browser-local. Firefox works. Weird... Chrome is usually the good one for me.
Looks like it's an issue with subdomain. "" loads everything. "" loads everything but the comic image.
posted at 12:25pm on May 5th, 2011
Flak and I took a look; we couldn't replicate the problem, but Flak suggests that Chrome might be having issues with caching? He said to try a force-refresh (hold shift + click refresh) and see if that helps.
posted at 10:29pm on May 6th, 2011
Hang on, is runeboy signing too, or is Tareth reading his lips?
posted at 3:58pm on May 4th, 2011
Well, while you see him moving his hands. He is probably speaking, theres no movement lines accentuating the words.
Not to mention the word bubble comes from his mouth.
posted at 5:27am on May 5th, 2011
I'll also point out that he does not have the <translated from another language> brackets. :3
posted at 10:02am on May 7th, 2011
A minor oddity with the site: when I go to the "archive" page, the site jumps a few pixels to the right compared to the other pages.
posted at 5:31pm on May 5th, 2011
...which, it occurs to me, seconds after posting, is probably due to the scroll bar that appears on the right at the other pages, but not at that one due to it fitting on the screen.
posted at 5:47pm on May 5th, 2011
Comment by Kiltmancomics
posted at 12:05am on May 2nd, 2011