July 1st, 2013

"I was really hesitant to draw a comic about two characters who haven't met yet, but this idea got stuck in my head and against ALL MY BETTER SENSIBILITIES (including yes hi let me draw your two most complicated characters and also color them this will be fun! (AND IT WAS but)) I had to draw it."

AND IT IS GREAT AND I KIND OF REALLY LOVE IT??? Alternate title: Nobody But Esra Would Ever Be Able to Deal with Being Quentin's Assistant.

Kiriska is fantastic and terrifyingly fast and you can find her work on her website, her deviantart, or her tumblr where she sketches every day! GO FORTH.

ALSO CHECK IT OUT GUYS Kiri even made a vote incentive for you of some of her sketches and it's really cute:

Vote Incentive for This Comic.

Comment by Glew

Wow, I don't know if maybe Kiriska has received a colour palette from Shazz or something, but it's crazy. When I first looked at the page I had to wonder "Is this one of the promised guest comics, or did Shazz chose a slightly different style for the filler?"
What I'm trying to say is "WELL DONE!" I am amazed. Probably because I can hardly draw a stick-figure, but I am stunned how can someone just BAM imitate the whole colour scheme and atmosphere of a comic she(?) never drew before.

Just wow...

ummm... Shazz, you're still cool too, though ;D


posted at 8:21am on July 1st, 2013

Reply by Kiri

Haha, Shazz didn't give me anything directly, but she did post this super helpful reference of Quentin and also this color ref, so I did get to eyedrop most of the base colors. She also has the cast as helpfully flat-colored chibis in her dA gallery somewhere. BASICALLY I AM JUST A MASTER STALKER.

THOUGH it might be obvious that I didn't find those references until after the lineart was already done for the comic because I totally didn't realize/remember that Quentin doesn't wear a CAPE beforehand; that is a COAT. So the parts draped around his shoulders in the comic here still kind of look like a cape, even though I did fix it so that you can see a sleeve hanging down in panel two, kinda. Mimicking the rest of the look/feel of the comic more or less just happened since I was drawing it at the same ratio as a normal page anyway. XD

ANYWAY I'm glad you like it!! 83


posted at 1:22am on July 2nd, 2013

Reply by Glew

Well, okay that explains a lot. But still, I don't think I would have done such a good job even if I had the colour palette :D

ps.: Is it only me, or does Agorath really look a bit more feminine on the first panel?


posted at 4:16pm on July 2nd, 2013

Comment by Amberylnne



posted at 1:20pm on July 1st, 2013

Comment by Riverfox237

This is great. XD And very lovely! Great job, Kiriska! And your necropony doodle in the vote incentive is STINKIN' PERFECT. Well done.


posted at 12:17pm on July 2nd, 2013

Comment by Grumpy Old Snake

Haha, this is cute~ I understand Sev's frustration but haaa I would be the Quentin in this interaction. ^^;


posted at 7:09pm on July 2nd, 2013

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